When I became a Certified Hypnotherapist, I finally learned how to stop struggling with my weight over the holidays.

I wanted the skinny body AND the cookies too, the coziness, the satisfaction, the clean house, the peace, the holiday spirit.  Once I figured out the secret to having it all, I’ve been helping clients do the same.  Wouldn’t it be great to have the treats AND be thin?

There following tips are designed to give you your excellent body and your cookies too, without the deprivation. 

For your vision board, you will need:

1.  An over-sized piece of card stock or poster board

2.  A glue stick

3.  A few of your favorite holiday magazines

Cut or tear out the pictures that appeal to you the most.  Don’t edit this!  Is it that aromatic home-made bread image?  The beautiful turkey?  The clean house?  The cute cookies? The Size 2 woman with the beautiful outfit?  Or maybe you love the images  of crafts, decorations or crackling fireplaces. Again, DON’T EDIT!  You want the most delicious goodies, the most amazing bodies the most well-behaved children, happiest families you can find.  The trick is to only grab what you are drawn to the most.

Next, how do you want to feel?  cut out positive words… some examples are: 















These are positive statements of how you want to feel, how you wish you could feel, or how you’d like to feel instead.  

Paste everything collage-style on the board, both words and images, and put the vision board near your bed, where you will see it before you fall asleep, and particularly when you wake up in the morning.  

There is a 30-minute window just prior to falling asleep, and a morning time after hitting ‘snooze’ but before getting up when we are in a natural state of hypnosis.  

So, before you fall asleep and before you get up, focus on the Vision Board.  Think about the feelings you want.  

You will do this every night, and every morning for reinforcement.

If weight control is an issue, reflect on the fact that those who are naturally slender eat everything they want in moderation.  They know that the first few bites taste the best.  The women in your magazine images don’t binge. They don’t worry or wallow, they don’t stress.  They don’t deprive themselves.    They feel full of love and satisfaction… and that’s where these images pull that cozy feeling into the subconscious mind.  

Remember, the QUANTITY of food doesn’t satisfy you, it’s the quality.  The quantity is only there to numb the ache, the hurt, the emptiness.

So, we use the vision board to put the Christmas spirit into the subconscious.  There’s a belly full of joy, a satisfied feeling.  Treats can be eaten, yet you can feel satisfied after two bites of cookie.  This is the meditation you do as you gaze sleepily at your vision board, especially in the morning.  Become committed to the experience.  Allow the comfort in, and dissolve the deprivation.

You can have your cookies, and eat them too!

Hypnotically Yours,
